Once again I have gotten behind on posting. I will try not to jam pack too much into this but so much has been going on (hence the reason for being bad on posting). I will start with Jake's kindergarten graduation. It was so cute. He did a great job and everyone came to watch. He found out he has Mrs. Beesley next year for 1st grade. We hear she is great. He will be starting fresh because there are none of his friends from his old class in this new class. We are excited for him to meet new kids and do something different. Here are a few clips of his wonderful program.
we are so proud of him. He did great in Kindergarten. We can't wait to see what next year brings. Then shortly before school was out we had our annual trip to the cabin for Memorial Day. We go every year to do work to get the cabin ready for the summer. We went on Friday night before Memorial Day. The kids were so excited, they love it up there. The cabin is at Strawberry on the Soldier creek side. Well Saturday was the work day and we spent about 10 hours gathering, cutting and burning branches of about 50 trees that had been cut down the fall before. Wow what a job that turned into. It wasn't the most fun day of my life but it needed to be done and we were glad to help out. Then Sunday more of the family came up and we had a fun day together but by Sunday night we had entered hell. Just about everyone got sick. We are not sure what happened but all the kids and most of the adults had it coming from both ends to put it politely. It was miserable. Most of the night was spent cleaning up and keeping things as under control as possible. We are talking about 25 people all sick at the same time in very tight quarters. What a way to end the weekend. We ended up leaving early on Monday with plastic bags in each of the kids hands in case in came up on the way home. One kid used it on the way home. Before everyone got sick we did have a great time. Here is a video of Ryan playing on his cousin Brynlee's car.
Then shortly after that trip we had an exciting thing happen at our house. Jake was breaking off a loose string from his shirt with his teeth and he lost his first tooth. He just about died. He couldn't believe it. We didn't even know it was loose but it just popped right out. Zach didn't want to sleep in the same room with Jake that night because he was a little nervous the tooth fairy was coming. We convinced him she was tiny and nothing to worry about. Jake loved getting his reward in the morning. He is ready for the next one to fall out.

T-ball for Jake also just started and his first game was last Tuesday. Bobb got some good pictures of his so as soon as I get him to send them to me, I will post those. Love you all and hope all is well.
Sorry to hear about your illness for Memorial Day weekend. Looks like the children are going to enjoy their summer though. Congrats to Jake for his tooth. That is something that is so exciting for children. We are looking forward to seeing you all in July.
Love you,
"Coming out both ends" is putting it politely? :o) Too bad you had to deal with that. Ick. Congrats on the graduations, tooth, and slip-n-slide. I love the last video. Jeff is pretty strong! I can't throw my boys. I think there's a law about that in Indiana. :o)
See you on T.H.E F.O.U.R.T.H!
♥ Jo
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