We just finished up with Art City Days last week and oh what fun that was. We had a great week, full of excitement. We had the Fun-A-Rama for the older boys. At the park, they set up those blow up slides and mazes. They also had a magic show and a train ride. The big hit of the day was hair painting and tattoos. The kids had so much fun. Don't they look great in green.
Then later on in the week they had the firemans breakfast. Jake went to work with Dad and we were so proud. He got to write down how many breakfast orders there were and then give it to the cashier. He did a great job.
How cute is that those little guys holding hands in the picture!
Can hardly wait to see you all.
I love the green hair! I say they go red, white, and blue for the Fourth. :o)
I just got your blog info from Bobby. It was so fun to catch up on the boys! So sad we are missing this summer in Utah. Love you all!
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