We have had fun preparing for Halloween. The boys love it. Most of our activities cause a huge mess but I am working on not worrying about the mess and just having fun. My boys love it and I love seeing them happy and having so much fun. We made and decorated halloween cookies a couple of weeks ago. Jillian, Aunt Shelli, Amelia and her boys Cayson and Parker all came over and we had so much fun. We rolled out the dough and cut all the cookies. Then after baking and cooling we broke out the frosting and sprinkles. It was everywhere but we just laughed and had a really good time. The best was that Shelli brought these cute candies to put on top and my boys went crazy with them. Some of the cookies you would have thought add a little cookie with that frosting and candy. That was the best part though. The best cookies were the loaded ones. After cleaning up all the frosting and sprinkles we sat back and viewed the beauty of the Halloween cookies.

I love the picture of the boys covering thier mouths. Too cute! Looks like you guys are having lots of fall fun. Miss you.
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