The boys still enjoy going to Utah gynmastics so we went to their exhibition a week ago. There wasn't many people there so we spread out and the kids had a blast. The best part of the night was Swoop (the utah mascot)coming over to see the kids. Jake and Zach were so excited. They love it everytime they get to see him. The babies on the other hand, you never know how they are going to react. We have had some great pictures taken with him and the babies, but this was not going to be one of those great pictures. As you see in the picture, they were not happy at all to see this giant red tail hawk trying to hold them. Needless to say, they didn't get a picture that day. That is Ryan screaming in the picture. Alex was too you just can't see him.
Saturday, December 20, 2008
Utah Gymnastics Red Rocks preview
Posted by Marthea at 1:43 PM 0 comments
Babies first Haircut
Well I couldn't take it anymore. When your twins look like Doc Brown from Back to the future it is time to fix things. They also have been mistaken as the cutest girl twins and someone else also told Jeff's sister Adrienne(while holding Alex) I quote "you have the cutest little girl. She looks just like you." They still had such cute curls but they were a bit out of control so Jeff's cousin Becky came over and we set up shop in the shower. The boys did great. They didn't cry much. I think they were more confused on what the heck was going on. We got them in and out so fast we didn't give them much time to get mad. There haircuts are so cute. They look so different. Alex more than Ryan I think because Alex's hair had gotten so long. But they are still adorable but they look like boys now. Here are a few pictures of the experience.
Posted by Marthea at 1:32 PM 0 comments
Jake's Powwow at school
I forgot to post from Jake's powwow at school. It was so cute. They had worked on it during November and performed right before Thanksgiving. It had all the first grade classes and each class had their own class dance and then they did a few all together. He worked so hard on his little outfit and props. We were so proud.
This first picture is of him getting ready to do his class dance. The girls did it first and then the boys repeated. Here is a video of him doing the dance and then the second video is of the Bear Dance that all the classes did together.
Posted by Marthea at 1:20 PM 0 comments
Monday, December 1, 2008
We had a great Thanksgiving. Of course the time off school was great but just being able to relax and play with the kids was great. The kids got a little bored not being in school. They had a fun break though. The day before Thanksgiving the kids helped me make some turkey cupcakes. We had a ton of fun but they got bored quickly. Zach lasted about 15 minutes and Jake lasted almost until we were finished. They turned out pretty good if I do say so myself.
Posted by Marthea at 1:35 PM 3 comments
Monday, November 24, 2008
Bowling with the BCS version 2 (12-0 Baby)
Well after an exciting Saturday night we are now the 12-0 Utah Utes!!!! Yea Baby!!! We had so much fun at the game. We were so excited about the win and we are looking forward to what BCS bowl game we get invited to. We are all hoping for the Fiesta Bowl so we all can go and visit family in Phoenix. If they get invited to the Sugar or Orange bowl then Jeff will be traveling with his sister. It is a bit much for all of us to fly so we will be cheering from home if that happens. Lets hope the Tostitos people love us. We went down for the Fiest Bowl in 2004 and had a blast. We would love to do it all over again. Below are some great pictures from the game. We definitely met some interesting people.
My favorite picture is this first one. They met this crazy guy dressed up like Jesus carrying this sign. How random and crazy to do this for a football game. He was the life of the party though.
This second picture is after the game with 2 of the starting offensive line guys. #72 Caleb Schlauderaff and #65 Dustin Hensel. Jake got to wear one of the guys helmets. They were so nice.
Posted by Marthea at 4:48 PM 3 comments
Saturday, November 8, 2008
Utah beats TCU 10-0 Baby
Posted by Marthea at 5:35 PM 3 comments
New family pictures and Halloween
We had family pictures done about a month in a half ago at JCPenneys. It went really well. We didn't end up getting any pictures of all the boys together. Ryan quit on us and we had to be done. The pictures ended up so cute. We were so proud of the boys. Also Halloween was great. The babies did a great job and really enjoyed it this year. They carried their own buckets and walked with me at the trunk or treat for our ward. All four boys were so cute and they really raked in the candy. They (meaning Jeff) will be eating off of it for weeks. Jake was Darth Vader, Zach was Spiderman, Ryan was Eeyore, and Alex was Dumbo. This is a picture of all the boys at Ed and Beth's house. They are always our last stop on the Halloween route.
Posted by Marthea at 5:13 PM 3 comments
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Boys hunting trip
Well Jeff has had a hunting trip planned for a while now with his cousins and brother. They decided they would take their oldest boys and go to the cabin and make a weekend of it. Well the fun began on Friday night they went to the cabin and really roughed it. They played guitar hero and messed around until late into the night. Then Jeff thought they would get up early and go spot a little. This lasted about an hour. As you can probably guess, Jeff hasn't been hunting for a few years, he might need to ease into it a bit more. After that Jeff, Jake, Scott, Peyton, Todd, and Bradyn met us in Salt Lake for the Utah football game. We won and had a really good time with everyone there. They headed back up and played Saturday night until late into the night again. Sunday they got up and had an early/late (depends on who you talk to) breakfast. They headed out for some huntin time. At one point they witnessed an accident with about a dozen deer and a small silver car. You can probably guess who won. The car was pretty torn up but so were some of the deer. Jeff said it looked like bowling pins when they got hit. Sad huh. They had some great stories to tell with this experience. Lastly, the boys really wanted to see the guns (if you know me yes I was about to throw up when I saw the picture, I don't do guns!!).
Posted by Marthea at 9:38 PM 1 comments
Halloween Activities
We have had fun preparing for Halloween. The boys love it. Most of our activities cause a huge mess but I am working on not worrying about the mess and just having fun. My boys love it and I love seeing them happy and having so much fun. We made and decorated halloween cookies a couple of weeks ago. Jillian, Aunt Shelli, Amelia and her boys Cayson and Parker all came over and we had so much fun. We rolled out the dough and cut all the cookies. Then after baking and cooling we broke out the frosting and sprinkles. It was everywhere but we just laughed and had a really good time. The best was that Shelli brought these cute candies to put on top and my boys went crazy with them. Some of the cookies you would have thought add a little cookie with that frosting and candy. That was the best part though. The best cookies were the loaded ones. After cleaning up all the frosting and sprinkles we sat back and viewed the beauty of the Halloween cookies.

Posted by Marthea at 9:23 PM 1 comments
Alex's new love
Posted by Marthea at 9:02 PM 0 comments
Sunday, October 5, 2008
One more thing.....
Jeff is mad that I haven't posted the babies walking good yet. They are so good at it now and he is so proud. I love it too but now they are just getting into everything faster so I am not totally sure I love it yet.
We are also still enjoying the Utah football games. They played Oregon St. last week and they were coming off a win against #1 USC so we were excited for the game. It was a great game and we won 31-28. We had so much fun. The babies do so good at the games and we got some fun pictures. Alex has the headband on. Man he really needs a haircut but I can't bring myself to cut the cute curls. Ryan is our drinker. He is a tiny bit addicted to the straw. Whenever he sees a cup with a straw in it he just knows it is something he wants. Do we have any hope for the future?

Posted by Marthea at 3:07 PM 2 comments
Trip to Colorado
The next day after the circus we took a trip to Grand Junction Colorado. Jeff had a conference for the tire company they are teamed with. Riley and his family went also and we had a lot of fun. We arrived on Thursday evening and the hotel was really nice. Big rooms but only one king bed. The hotel obviously didn't plan well. It worked out, they had a large chair and ottoman in the room and Jake thought that would be the coolest bed so he got to sleep there. We had cribs for the babies and Zach just slept with us. Friday, the guys had meetings all day so Stephanie and I took the kids to the dinosaur museum just a few miles down the road. They had a great time and there were tons of fun things they did there.
We also went swimming and then had a dinner on Friday night. We watched the fireworks from the local air show and then went up to the room to watch a late night movie. It was a long but very fun day. Then on Saturday we went to the air show. They had tons of stunt planes and jets to watch but the best part of the show was the Blue Angels from their base in Florida came and did a show for over an hour. It was amazing to watch. I got some great footage but there was so many cool things that I didn't catch on film. We loved it. The boys got to see all these planes they had there. You could get into some of them and the boys felt so cool. Zach was so worried everytime I tried to have in get into a plane. He kept saying he didn't want to get in because he was afraid they were going to take off and he didn't want to go up in it. We went through it everytime he started to get into one.
As you can see in the picture of Zach, the show got so loud. We really enjoyed watching the Blue Angels do all their tricks. It was amazing. I put a few clips below so you could see just a few of the crazy things they do.
Posted by Marthea at 2:11 PM 1 comments

Posted by Marthea at 12:53 PM 0 comments