After the trip was over the fun didn't stop. We continued our trips to Seven Peaks water park. The boys love going there and honestly it is nice to go somewhere and have fun with them. We also have a tradition to go the the outdoor movie every Monday night. They mostly show kids movies in the park. We all go and the kids play in the adjacent field while all the adults sit and watch the movie the kids are supposed to watch. We have fun and it has been such nice weather that we have loved it all. The twins have been getting more silly. They make me laugh everyday. Jake and Zach do a pretty good job of keeping things interesting too. My life is crazy. Here is a good example of the twins and there silliness. Those are their blankets wrapped around their heads.
We also made a trip to the Dinosaur museum at Thanksgiving Point. We had never been there before and my girlfriends all wanted to go and take the kids so we headed out one morning. There was lots of things to see and the boys loved looking at all the dinosaur stuff. They had a digging place and they were a mess but they really enjoyed themselves.

We made it to the cabin a few weeks ago. It was our first time this summer being able to go. We had fairly good weather. It was really cool and we had a few rain storms but of course we had fun anyway. The kids played outside at little rock and found a dead squirrel. Zach thought maybe it was just sleeping but when Jake noticed all the flies he figured that maybe it was dead. Age, Jeff's sister, got brave and took a shovel and removed the carcus. Nasty. We took tons of rides on the Rhino and saw lots of deer. The kids love that part about the cabin. The picture is of Alex and Ryan leaving for a ride. They just walked around with their helmets on. They were so cute. They couldn't wait for their turn on the Rhino.

I took this video of Ryan pretending to talk on the cell phone. He got a hold of one of Age's little bags and walked around talking on the phone. I don't know why I recorded sideways. You think I would remember by now not to do that but I guess not. It was so cute though I decided to post it anyway. He was saying something but who knows what. Don't get a kink in your neck.
Jake also started school. We took our annual picture in front of the door and I can hardly believe how tall he has gotten. He has just grown up like crazy. He is in 2nd grade now. He loves his teacher and from what I hear she is one of the best. We will meet her at back to school night tomorrow night. Zach started Kindergarten on Wednesday. We had his assessment and his teacher says he is so smart. She said he had great number sense. Yay!!! I would like to give the credit to my genes but I think it is because he is always trying to mooch money and keep track of how much he has and how much he can spend. I will post a picture of his first day on Thursday (hopefully).

We also had a great big fire up the canyon last week. Jeff went up and worked on it for a few hours but then Forest Service took over. I couldn't believe how much smoke there was. The airplanes and helicopters got on the scene fast so it wasn't too out of control. This is a view from our backyard. Crazy stuff.

You have a beautiful family!!
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