We have been having a lot of fun with family in Indiana. We will be here for another week. Jeff left a few days ago to go back to work but will fly back to Indiana and drive home with us. The kids are missing him already, which of course he loves. I wanted to post a few of the fun things we have been doing. We have had a chance to go swimming twice. The weather has been pretty good but definitely not for swimming. I guess there is a trade off. We have also been playing a lot of Wii with my nieces and nephews. There have been many heated tournaments with some fun memories happening. My favorite was watching Jeff do the Dance Dance Revolution. The man has rythmn as you will see.
Like I said before we have gone swimming and the kids have loved having so many kids to play with. The water has been really cold but they of course will have fun anyway. Here are some pictures of us swimming. The first is of Ryan. Doesn't he look like he is having fun. The babies kept climbing up the life guard chair. We caught them in the act. Luckily, my brother Terry is assistant manager at the pool so we didn't get into too much trouble. The next two are of Alex and Zach. Jake spent most of his time going off the diving board and down the slide so we didn't get any pictures of him.
Jeff got to go to an Amish barn raising. He said it was just like out of a movie. They drove up to the house and all the horse and buggies were everywhere. They started working and Jeff said he was amazed at how they worked together. We went back later and they were almost done. I couldn't believe it. Definitely a cool experience we were fortunate enough to see. Dad is really good friends with the Amish in Orleans so they welcomed us and let us watch. They normally don't like pictures taken but from far away it was alright. We got some good pictures.

We have had many long days and short nights. The twins and boys have held up well but one of the days we were returning home Ryan gave out right in the middle of playing. I had to add this picture in because I couldn't believe he fell asleep with the toy in his mouth and it stayed there.

I'm so glad you are having so much fun! That picture of Ryan at the pool is adorable.
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