Well we have now had 2 of the 3 March birthdays in our family. Jeff's was on the 1st and Zach's was yesterday on the 3rd. I think Jeff had a pretty good birthday. We went out as a family for dinner to McGraths fish house. It was perfect for the boys because they sold boiled and peel shrimp by the pound. Jake and Zach were in heaven. It seems crazy that for such picky eaters they would love that. Well anyway, they brought out this crazy fish hat and made Jeff wear it while we sang. The boys loved it.

Along with Jeff's birthday, he has been asking for an iPod touch for weeks as his birthday present. Well of course I had to make him understand that spending $300.00 for a game that he really would never have time to enjoy was just crazy. He continued to work on me and I continued to tell him no way. Well when it came right down too it, I couldn't say no so I gave in but in my own way. It was quite a surprise for him when he didn't get his iPod touch but I gave him the next best thing.

I think he loved the cake as much as he would have loved the real thing. This was my first experience with cake fondant. Age and I made it and we had so much fun. We kept laughing just at the thought of his reaction at getting this instead of the real thing. Oh well such is life. Someone in this family has to be realistic. I have always done good at that.
Zach had his birthday yesterday and it was so sad. About 1:00 in the afternoon he started complaining that his stomach hurt and he wasn't feeling well. He does this sometimes when he doesn't want to be bothered. Well I ignored it and by 4:00 he was throwing up and had a fever. I couldn't believe it. What a way to spend your birthday. We had a party planned with family and I thought about cancelling it but I figured he could make it. Well, needless to say, it was the fastest party we ever had. He opened his presents, not interested at all in what they were. By the end Jake was opening the presents because Zach didn't want to anymore. After singing to him, he went and laid on the couch with his throw up bowl and stayed there the rest of the time. All of the rest of us enjoyed the cake and ice cream. I saved Zach a piece. Hopefully he will feel better before it dries out. Today he was supposed to celebrate his birthday at Pre-school but he was too sick to go. Jeff took him over so he could at least drop his cupcakes off but he wouldn't even go in so Jeff had to take them in for him. Hopefully he will feel better enough to go Friday. The teacher said they would celebrate it then. We are all crossing our fingers it doesn't go on like Alex's did.

I LOVE the cake idea!! I wish I would have thought about doing something like that rather than giving in and getting Jeff the ITouch...which after a few months is collecting dust on the counter and is rarely used!! Happy Birthday Jeff and Zach! I am sorry Zach wasn't up to having the Birthday celebration.
That cake is the coolest one I've ever seen! Awesome! The pic of Zach is the most pitiful pic I've ever seen. Ever.
Loved the cake! You are awsome! We ned to get together soon!
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