Thursday, March 13, 2008
Pictures I tried to post the other day
Posted by Marthea at 9:04 PM 4 comments
News Flash
We made the big times now. Jake, Zach, and I made the Springville paper. How exciting. We attended Jake's school breakfast last week and the principal took a picture of us as we purchased our food. Jake and Zach felt so special. I loved it. I think Jeff was proud, he kept calling and reminding me to look in the paper as soon as it came. Also I found an old picture of Zach that I wanted to post. It really makes me look like a bad mother but I promise I am working on it. It is just really hard to remember to brush the kids teeth everyday. Let's hope his adult teeth look a bit better. We are crossing our fingers.
We are also gearing up for Jake's first friend party with kids from school. He can't wait. We will post pictures of the celebration next week. Keep watching for it. Love You all.
Posted by Marthea at 8:54 PM 0 comments
Sunday, March 9, 2008
in limbo
Well we are anxiously waiting for Jakes birthday to arrive. He is getting excited and can hardly wait. It will be his first friend party. We have been passing the time by figuring out ways to make the babies laugh. It has become Jake and Zach's mission to see who can make the babies laugh the hardest. Most of the time they can get Alex to bust up but Ryan usually just looks at them and wonders what the sakes are you guys acting so crazy for. Evidence of this is in the following video clip from the other night.
If you noticed in the video Ryan in the background with the puzzled looked on his face is priceless. We also enjoyed a fun evening at the Utah gymnastics meet. The kids love to go. The Utes won of course but Zach was a little disappointed when they failed to play the song "Hey Baby". It has become very much a rital for him. Without it, it just didn't seem the same for him. The kids really love going and it is great family time. Well I have been trying to upload some pictures of the kids at gymnastics but the server has issues so I will just add them tomorrow in another post. Love you all.
Posted by Marthea at 9:37 PM 1 comments
Sunday, March 2, 2008
I have changed my settings so you don't have to be registered to post to my blog. Please feel free to leave me a message and you shouldn't have to log in or be a member. Hope to hear from all of you.
Posted by Marthea at 11:28 AM 1 comments
Saturday, March 1, 2008
Birthdays Birthdays everywhere

Also I wanted to post a few updated pictures of the babies. These are cute ones so I wanted everyone to see how cute my little guys are getting. I can't believe how big they are getting. They are 8 months now. Crazy!!!!
Posted by Marthea at 10:08 PM 5 comments