My boys had a fun Halloween this year. Jake was Ferb from the disney show Phineas and Ferb. I think he just wanted to paint his hair green. Zach was Peter Pan and Alex and Ryan were Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum. Alex and Ryan had a program at Pre-school and they were so cute. They sang so sweet and did a great job. Then we had a family party on Halloween. They did a carnival and then we had hot dogs. Cousin Keli did a great job organizing and the kids had a blast. We also had our trunk or treat for the ward so the boys got to see all of their friends in their costumes. Needless to say by the end of the night we ended up with way too much candy but the boys were so excited. We now ration the candy so I don't have to pick boys off the ceiling. The last picture is of Jeff trying to get into Halloween, as much as he is able. He is so cute. Jeff so hates Halloween. He was trying.
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Halloween 2010
Posted by Marthea at 9:44 PM 1 comments
Wyoming trip
Jeff took Jake and Zach to the Utah - Wyoming game for the last time that Utah will play there. It ended up being such a gorgeous day. After so many of these games being played in the freezing cold it was nice for them to play in such great weather. They had such a good time. Age went and they meet her friends Andi and Michelle there so they ended up having a party. We won by tons and then after the game Uncle Todd had talked to a friend and got them passes to go on the field and in the locker room after the game. One of the following pictures shows the boys with Shaky Smithson after the game. They got arm bands from the players and then the quarterback and backup quarterback gave Jake and Zach the towels they used during the game. What a memory.
Posted by Marthea at 9:33 PM 0 comments
Flag Football 2010
Jake played his first year of flag football this year and did a great job. We gotta work on the killer instinct but at this age I think it is alright to be a bit softer. He played on the defensive line and he just kept getting better. He got several sacks during the season. We were so proud. If he decides to play again next year, which I think he will, I think he will just continue to do so much better. What a fun year. They went undefeated but then lost in the super bowl. They were sad but we were so proud of them. Next year, watch out for the Titans.
Posted by Marthea at 9:08 PM 0 comments
Monday, September 13, 2010
Utah beats UNLV
Posted by Marthea at 9:22 PM 1 comments
Thursday, September 9, 2010
Catching up
I have been told that I need to get going again and that people actually look at my blog. I have been very lazy..... well I don't think so but other people do..... and I need to get back on track and update our lives. I am going to do a quick update and then I will promise to try and keep up on things better. My goal will be once a week but I think that might be wishful thinking. Well here it goes. I will hit some of the highlights and of course I don't have time or room for everything but I will fill you in on most the good stuff.
Jake got baptized at the end of March. It was an exciting day. My parents came out from Indiana and of course Jeff's family was there. That always is a big crowd. Jake did awesome and we were so proud of him. Jeff about drowned him, I think he was more nervous than Jake but all went well. We went to disney on ice as a family for Jake's birthday. That is always fun. They loved it.

Jake got picked from the second grade to be in the school talent show. He was so excited. They only picked 3 kids from the whole 2nd grade and he was one of them. He did a dance to the Hoedown Throwdown by Miley Cyrus. We were so proud. He practiced and had an amazing performance. He can't wait until next year. He said he has to do it again.

Utah games have also begun again. We love going as a family and sitting with the other members of Jeff's family that go. We have a great time. Even better that we started the season with a win over 15th ranked Pittsburgh. Great win and we are looking forward to a great season.
Posted by Marthea at 9:52 PM 5 comments
Thursday, January 7, 2010
Family Pictures December 2009
It has been a long time since my last post. So many things have happened. Just to update on a few, Christmas has obviously come and gone and we had a great holidays. We enjoyed the time off school and relaxed and did some much needed dejunking of the house. Jake lost one of his front teeth right before family pictures and also now has glasses. Zach is still loving kindergarten and is doing well. The twins are out of their cribs and into big boy beds. They have a hard time at naptime but enjoy each others company. We had family pictures taken a few weeks before Christmas. We (meaning me) thought it would be cute to do them outside but of course the day they were scheduled for, it was freezing outside and starting to snow. We went ahead with the pictures. They turned out pretty good. I wanted to share some of them.
Posted by Marthea at 3:03 PM 2 comments