I am a little behind but we had a great Halloween. We had a weeks worth of activities so the boys got a lot of use out of their costumes. The family trick or treat night was on Monday. We met at the shop and passed out candy to all the kids. It is nice to do it this way because the kids get to see all the cousins costumes. Sometimes Halloween gets so crazy and we don't get around to everyone so it works great to do it this way with the family. Then we had school activities on Wednesday with Zach and Jake. Zach had a program and Jake had the annual school costume parade. Alex and Ryan had their little school party on Thursday. Halloween was spent in Salt Lake because the Utes were playing Wyoming. It was so much fun. The school had an activity planned where the kids could wear their costumes to the game and trick or treat there. They had tents set up and all the other Utah teams passed out candy to the kids. I think the boys had a lot of fun. Then we won the game so it was a perfect ending to a fun day. Now, on to the costumes. Jake really wanted to be Mario from Mario Brothers. I thought about it for a while and figured I could come up with something. I had the red hat and Jake had the red shirt. I sewed the M patch on the hat and then found some cheap material and made the overalls. We added a mustache andgloves, then voila.........Mario. I must say, he really looked good.

The twins obviously don't really care. For one party they wore a chicken costume and a Pablo(Backyardigans) costume. These were Zachs from a while ago. For the game they were Utah football players.
Honestly, if at any point you need me to adopt your kids say the word. I can barely handle there awesomeness!
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