Well our 4th of July is the big reason for the trip home every year. We had such nice weather building up to the 4th. We thought is was going to be so nice to have cool weather and we wouldn't sweat to death playing wiffle ball. Well just because every day was nice doesn't mean it is going to stay that way. On the 4th it just poured all day. I couldn't believe it. We hoped it would let up but no can do. We didn't let it ruin our day though. We went to the parade anyway. Lucky enough we knew someone living along the parade route so we sat on their front porch. It kept us dry which we were grateful for. Then we made our way to my cousin Kristi and Dustin's house for the festivities. We ate lots and lots of food and visited with family for a while still hoping it would stop raining. We have an annual wiffle ball tournament that we were not going to miss. Since it didn't stop raining we decided the game must go on, and it sure did. I opted out this year because I really needed to keep an eye on the twins. It gave me an excuse to stay dry. Jeff, Jake and Zach all played however. Jeff and Jake got on the same team and Zach got on a team with my brother Terry. Zach lasted about a half and inning before he got too wet and tired to continue. He curled up in a ball on the lawn chair and fell asleep for a few hours. He did get a few good innings in though. It was his first year getting to play and he was so happy to get to. In the picture of Zach hitting, Jake is playing catcher.