Jake's teacher Mrs. Beesley does a Mother Goose day every year. Each kid is assigned a nursery rhyme and they dress like a character from the ryhme. They do a little parade to a few other rooms in the building and the office and then go back to the classroom and do a little presentation. They stand up and the kids try to guess the rhyme and then they recite it for the class. Jake had Hey diddle diddle and had a hard time deciding what he was going to be. We finally decided on an easy one and he was the dish and the spoon. He decorated his plate with the other characters from the rhyme. He did so good. We are so proud.
The above picture is Jake letting the kids guess his rhyme. The other is his whole class with the teacher. The principal wanted a class picture. The last picture is Jake with his best friend Joely. She is a cute girl and they play so nicely together. She was Mary Mary Quite Contrary.
The last is a video of Jake reciting his rhyme. He is getting to be such a big guy.
Friday, February 20, 2009
Mother Goose Day
Posted by Marthea at 12:33 PM 2 comments
New addition to the family
No, its not what you think. I am not totally crazy. We had our mudroom redone and are very excited how it turned out. It keeps everything so organized and out of the way. The babies like to crawl on the bench and sit in their little cubbies. It is cute. It gives us plenty of room.
Posted by Marthea at 12:30 PM 2 comments
We had a great valentines day. The kids had fun activities at school and we decorated cookies together. We had a blast. The boys are getting better at decorating.
Posted by Marthea at 12:26 PM 0 comments
Thursday, February 5, 2009
Tag- I so don't want to be it.
Well I will be the first to admit that the blog tag game doesn't sit well with me. Usually I barely have enough time to put on the family stuff let alone answering a tag. In this case however I have been tagged by Jeff's cousin Scott and I promised I would do my best to answer it, (even though it goes against all I believe in.) Just kidding really. Well here it goes. I have been asked to say my top 5 addictions.
1. My Boys of course. Jeff would like to think he is number one all by himself but really they all go together. I love my sweet little family. Anyone that can drive you to drink( soda of course) in one minute then make you so happy the next must be a keeper. No seriously, they are all the lights of my life and I can't imagine life without them. I am truly blessed.
2. Straightening my house. Now if you notice I didn't say cleaning my house. I really stink at that concept. But I am a master at straightening so everything looks clean and organized. It tends to drive me crazy keeping up with it but I have issues and maybe one day I will get over them.
3. Bit O Honeys. I know that might sound crazy but I just love them. We bought a big bin last week at the Stouffers outlet and I eat them like they are going to go rotten in a week. I just can't help myself. They call to me. So yummy!!!
4. Momma Mia. I got this DVD for Christmas from my in laws and I just love it. The boys watch it with me and we sing to all the songs. We always play the sing along version. Jake is getting quite good with the words. Can you picture us. I hope I am not causing permanent damage to my boys by letting them watch it with me.
5. the 80's channel on my XM Satellite radio in the van. Need I say more. It doesn't get much better than that. What a way to spend my time in the van.
Well Scott, I hope this satisfies my end of the tag. I wouldn't normally tag anyone else and put them through the torture but I have decided I am going to anyway. I will tag, my brother Terry (or Bethany of course), My brother in law Aaron (yes I know you are busy with school but whatever). My cousin Joanna,(because she always puts such cute comments on my blog). By the way so do you Laurel, but I know how busy you are so I won't offiicially put you on my tag list. (But you can do it if you want.) My sister Kaya because she hasn't updated her blog forever and I want to make sure she is still alive. I guess that will be it. Thanks for listening.
Posted by Marthea at 10:41 PM 2 comments
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
Another fun family night
It all started when Jake came home with a free ticket for the circus that was comin to town. We weren't really sure we wanted to go because it was one of those "when good animals go bad" type circus. You know what I mean, elephants going crazy and trampling people, bears chewing up their trainers, you get the picture. Well, we finally decided it would be a family time activity so we headed for the circus. It was in Orem at the the school there so we didn't have far to go which was nice. We arrived early, Jeff doesn't do late he gets too nervous. They had rides set up for the kids. Innocent pony rides, which is what we thought the kids would pick. But of course not. They picked the elephant ride. Jeff could picture it. Our children on the back of an elephant, just as it decides it hates giving rides and wants to kill all in its sights. But Jeff put aside his fears and let them get on anyway. They had a blast and got off all in one piece.

Posted by Marthea at 12:10 PM 3 comments
Jake's Artwork
Jake wanted me scan some of his artwork and then put it on the blog. I am not really sure why because normally he is kind of shy about letting people see the things he has drawn. I guess he must be coming out of his shell. He love to draw and makes me pictures all the time. I have no idea what they are pictures of but enjoy.
Posted by Marthea at 12:00 PM 2 comments