I also wanted to post a few more pictures from my sisters wedding reception. These are pictures I took with my phone. My cute grandpa and grandma are so adorable so I really wanted them to have a moment to shine. They are great and we ar
Posted by Marthea at 8:25 PM 1 comments
I can hardly believe it has been over a month since my last post. Is is laziness, forgetfulness, or just plan busyness? I don't know if busyness is the correct spelling but who really cares right? I did have a request from my cute cousin Jo to get posting so I am listening to her advice, and getting a new post done. A lot has happened since my last post so I hope I don't make things too jumbled or boring and long. My husband has also been hasseling my to get this done so hopefully I will make him pround. Maybe he will let me spend a bit more of that wonderful stimulus tax rebate money we just got, ain't life grand. I never thought kids would pay off but I guess in the long run $300 dollars a kid really doesn't go too far. But who is really in it for the money? My kids are definitely worth a million times that to me. Well lets start with my wonderful little sister who got married on April 18th. Thanks Katelynn for sharing your birthday. My sister Alida has waited for the best and next to Jeff, and a few other great guys I know, Aaron is right up there. I am so happy for her. She had her wedding over my spring break so I could be there and I wouldn't have missed it for the world. I just wish my cute family could have been there with me.
Posted by Marthea at 10:23 PM 3 comments