We have had a ton of fun activities since we got back from vacation but we definitely are ready for school to start. Shortly after coming back from our vacation we decided to go bowling as a family activity. We had a great time and the boys loved it. Jake got very excited and Zach couldn't believe it when he actually knocked down pins. We had a blast.

We also passed the time by having family over and playing guitar hero on the side of the house. We borrowed Jeff's dad's projector, inspired by my brothers parties in Indiana, and played until late in the night. We probably drove the neighborhood crazy but we had fun. Hopefully we will get to do this again before winter comes.

It has been a hot summer which makes it hard to convince the kids to go outside and play but there has been some nice days and the babies have finally decided that grass is alright. It took a while to convince them but now they love it.

We also have some new musicians in our home. The twins have discovered the recorder and love to listen to themselves play it. They giggle and get such a kick out of it. Of course we all sit around and listen to them so I am sure they love the attention they get from doing it. They are really starting to get their personalities. It is very exciting.
Zach also got our wonderful laughing machine(Alex) going the other night again. It was so funny how much he was giggling. Alex has been sick lately so it was nice to see him have a little life in him, even if it was only for a few minutes.
And lastly, we have been trying to get the older boys back on the schedule of going to bed earlier to prepare for the beginning of school. Well the attempt has been in vain but the best part about the struggle is seeing them in the morning and how tired they must be. They definitely can sleep through anything as witnessed in the following picture.