Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Alex's new treatments

Well we have had an interesting month. Alex has been sick and we just couldn't seem to get him better. He had a fever, no activity and for a 20 month old that is crazy. He threw up all the time and then just recently starting having trouble with his breathing. After 3 trips to the doctor we finally started him on breathing treatment. At first they didn't seem to help much but then after a few days of three times a day treatments, he started improving. I must say he did really well for having this mask strapped to his face. I was very impressed. He did much better at that then taking his medicine. That was a nightmare. He is now pretty much better, but we are the proud owners of a home nebulizer for future cases. How exciting is that.


Anonymous said...

I hope he didn't get any of Aunt Di's asthma genes!